My Scientology Certificates, Awards and Sea Org Contracts

Many have correctly observed that Scientology disingenuously states that former high ranking Scientology executives were mere 'clerks' or that they held 'a low position' in the cult. This page will not only show my posts held, but it will also thoroughly document my accomplishments during the eight years I spent in Scientology's 'inner elite' core known as the 'Sea Organization'. I hope you will find this page to be both interesting and informative.

Email comments or questions to me

  1. Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist Course Retread - Certificate dated March 3, 1975
    On March 3rd I completed the Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist (HAS) Course for the second time. The first time I did the course, the organization's desired results, i.e., the creation of a gung-ho Scieno, had not been achieved. In fact, the first time I finished the course and was announced as a course completion, I walked straight out the door, laughing while the Assistant Guardian, Danny Chadwell, and the Org's Distribution Secretary, Rick DeWitt, pleaded with me to come back. The second time around on the course -- that's why it's called a retread -- I was unknowingly hypnotized. Now I had become another one of the cult's brainwashed adherents, complete with those fixed and staring wide-open eyes, so demonstrative of the cult's robotic members. Signatures on the certificate include: Mary Parsley, Director of Certificates and Awards; SiSi Free, Supervisor; Donna Husak, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The bottom of the certificate is embossed with a seal (not visible here) containing the words 'Hubbard Communications Office Class 4.'

  2. My Original Sea Org Contract signed on October 11, 1975 in Austin, Texas
    I didn't know exactly what I was getting into when I signed this! My billion year contract was witnessed by Steve Grant, Sea Org Recruiter for the American Saint Hill Organization (ASHO), and my wife at that time, Katherine Plummer, who also signed her Sea Org contract on the same day.

  3. Staff Status One Course - Certificate dated November 23, 1975
    After completing my basic Sea Org training (called 'Product Zero') in the latter part of October 1975, I next completed this course. It is another basic course required of all staff members. The signatures on the cert are as follows: Clyed Mitchell, Director of Certifications and Awards; Petty Officer 2nd Class (PO2), Bob Schaffner, Hubbard Communications Office (HCO); Ed Pace, Supervisor; and Marta Telles, Keeper of the Seals and Signature (held by the LRH Communicator). Bob Schaffner later died in a tragic accident.

  4. Temporary OK to be a Director of Disbursements - Certificate dated December 10, 1975
    Though I had been promised by the Sea Org recruiter that I would be posted in the Technical Training Corps (TTC) and train to be an 'auditor', I was instead put in the Treasury Division where I held down the position of Director of Disbursements -- a post I continued to hold for the next six years. The signatures on the cert are as follows: Clyed Mitchell, Director of Certifications and Awards; Kevin Bryan, HCO; Ed Pace, Supervisor; and Steve Didato, Keeper of the Seals and Signature.

  5. The Basic Study Manual - Certificate dated December 17, 1975
    This was a required basic course in 'learning how to study' in accordance with the indoctrination methods employed by L. Ron Hubbard. The signatures on the cert are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Brad Larsen, Supervisor; Eddie M. Hansen, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Kathy Drayton was the L Ron Hubbard Communicator (LRH Comm) for ASHO.

  6. Staff Status Two Course - Certificate dated January 29, 1976
    This was another course required of all staff members, in order for them to achieve 'permanent staff status'. The signatures on the cert are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Brad Larsen, Supervisor; Eddie M. Hansen, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Skrifvars, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Interesting to me is the fact that this document helps me to place the time period during which Kathy Drayton married Bill Skrifvars. Forty three days earlier Kathy had signed my Basic Study Manual certificate with the surname of 'Drayton'.

  7. Very Upstat - Certificate dated June 17, 1976
    This is the first 'Very Upstat' certificate I received. 'Upstat' is defined by Hubbard in his Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin of August 8, 1971 as 'one who has high statistics'. Certificates like these were given according to a Hubbard program known as Aides Order 44-39R. This program was an LRH program specifically written for ASHO, and the LRH Communicator was responsible for complying with the 'targets' (orders). The ten most 'upstat' staff, out of a total of a hundred or so, were given certs like these. In addition, a five dollar 'bonus' was handed out to each of the ten 'upstats' during the Thursday night staff meeting. The opposite side of the coin was that the Staff Training Officer was empowered by this Hubbard program to withhold the pay of any staff member whose 'stats' were down, if he/she had not attended study for the required 12 1/2 hours during the week just ended at 2 PM on Thursday. My cert is signed by Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Skrifvars, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. Lori Coanda did the certificate's ugly calligraphy.

  8. Very Upstat - Certificate dated June 24, 1976
    My cert is signed by Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Skrifvars, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. Kathy was the LRH Communicator for ASHO, and she was married to Bill Skrifvars, who was the HCO Cope Officer ASHO. Lori Coanda did the certificate calligraphy.

  9. Very Upstat - Certificate dated July 8, 1976
    My cert is signed by Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Skrifvars, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. Lori's husband, Dick, was a Word Clearer at ASHO. Lori did the cert calligraphy.

  10. Finance Course Graduate - Certificate dated July 28, 1976
    According to Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter of 16 October 1969 'Finance Course Vital Action', it is a crime for 'any Div 3 [Treasury] member to be on post or take post without having done the Finance Course Pack starrate'. This order laid down by Hubbard's policy, though very explicit, was often ignored by the Scientology executives at ASHO. This is a very comprehensive course covering all aspects of accounting (gross income, reserves management, various types of bank accounts and their purposes, credit and collections, invoicing, bills paying, the purchase order system, payroll, commissions, taxes, financial planning, financial audits, purchasing, asset management, solvency, etc.) used within Scientology organizations. The signatures on the cert are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bob Azevedo, Supervisor; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and John LaVoie, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Patty Grant later married Bob Azevedo. At the time she signed my cert, Patty was the Director of Communications. Bob Azevedo later would become the Chief Officer for ASHO Day.

  11. Sea Org Finance Specialist - Certificate dated July 28, 1976
    There are different versions of the 'Finance Course'. One version is for publics (those who are not staff). Another version is for 'Class IV' organization staff members. The course I did was the largest of all, since in addition to having the same course materials as the other versions of the course, the Sea Org version has many Flag Orders (FOs) on it. ASHO is an 'advanced org' staffed mostly by Sea Org members, so many of the governing finance policies in use there are Flag Orders (FOs). The signatures on the cert are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Marian Gibbons, for the Course Supervisor, Brad Larsen; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons. Although I completed this course in1976, I did not receive this cert until around 1980. Marian Gibbons signed for the Course Supervisor, Brad Larsen, since he was no longer on staff at ASHO by that time. The certificate has a nice gold seal on the lower left hand corner.

  12. Very Upstat - Certificate dated August 5, 1976
    Note that Keeper of the Seals and Signature no longer signed her name as Kathy Skrifvars. She is now going by 'Drayton' again. Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards did the cert calligraphy. Kathy Drayton was the LRH Communicator at ASHO Day.

  13. Very Upstat - Certificate dated September 9, 1976
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. This certificate is on light green paper for some reason.

  14. Director of Disbursements Full Hat - Certificate dated September 23, 1976
    This course covers all the duties of the Treasury Division, Department Eight -- Department of Disbursements. The signatures on the cert are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Sherry Miljoiner, Supervisor; Eddie M. Hansen, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Anne Pfanner was a really nice ady, perhaps 75 years old at that time. Sherry Miljoiner was the Staff Hatting Officer at ASHO; some staff used to call her 'the chunk' (behind her back) because she was very obese. Eddie Hansen was the HCO Area Secretary; his wife, Debbie, was Sea Org staff at ASHO Foundation. Kathy Drayton was the LRH Communicator for ASHO. She once told me she used to be a dealer at a casino in Las Vegas.

  15. Fully Hatted Director of Disbursements - Certificate dated September 23, 1976
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; M[arian] Gibbons, for Dan Rutherford, Supervisor; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of Seals and Signature. You will notice that this certificate has a seal on the lower left hand corner. That is because I had done the Director of Disbursements 'internship', so my cert is in recognition of my 'permanent status'. Marian, who did the beautiful calligraphy, signed for Dan Rutherford since he was no longer ASHO staff by the time this certificate was issued.

  16. Very Upstat - Certificate dated September 30, 1976
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. Lori later became the PBX Operator for ASHO. For some reason this certificate was printed on light green paper.

  17. Very Upstat - Certificate dated October 14, 1976
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. This certificate is also on light green paper.

  18. Very Upstat - Certificate dated October 21, 1976
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. This certificate is also on light green paper.

  19. Very Upstat - Certificate dated November 4, 1976
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and John LaVoie, Keeper of the Seals and Signature.

  20. Very Upstat - Certificate dated November 11, 1976
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature.

  21. Very Upstat - Certificate dated December 9, 1976
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature.

  22. Life Repair Release auditing - Certificate dated December 23, 1976
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Joanne Schnitzer, Auditor; Eddie M. Hansen, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Life Repair is an 'auditing action'. The 'end phenomena' is supposed to be 'a being who knows he can't get any worse', or sometyhing like that.

  23. Very Upstat - Certificate dated December 23, 1976
    This one is signed by John LaVoie for the Keeper of Seals and Signature. John was the LRH Communicator's Secretary at ASHO Day. He once demonstrated to me how easily he could fake L. Ron Hubbard's signature.

  24. Very Upstat - Certificate dated December 31, 1976
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature.

  25. Leadership Mini Course - Certificate dated January 19, 1977
    The signatures are: Clyed Mitchell, Director of Validity; Bob Azevedo, Supervisor; Kevin Bryan, HCO Board of Review; and Marta Telles, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Clyed, Kevin and Marta were all ASHO Foundation staff members. Kevin Bryan married a young lady named Stacia Dyer. I don't remember now exactly who ordered me to do this course. The local organization executives wanted to make me the Deputy Commanding Officer of ASHO, and a Guardian Office executive named Steve Little recruited me for the Finance Bureau of the Guardian Office World Wide. I don't have the issue now, but I was appointed to the Guardian Office World Wide by Guardian Personnel Order 2888.

  26. Very Upstat - Certificate dated January 28, 1977
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The actual size of this, and all of my 'Very Upstat' certificates, is 8 1/2 by 11 inches.

  27. Very Upstat - Certificate dated February 10, 1977
    This one is signed by Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. At that time she was the LRH Communicator for ASHO Day.

  28. Very Upstat - Certificate dated February 17, 1977
    The signatures are: Lori Coanda, Director of Certifications and Awards; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of the Seals and Signature.

  29. Very Upstat - Certificate dated July 14, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Beverly's last name was Shabert in 1975 when I joined the Sea Org, and at that time (October 1975) she was the Internal Comm[unications] Officer. She married John Mustard, who was the Manufacturing Secretary for the Publications Organization US -- later known as Bridge Publications Inc.

  30. Very Upstat - Certificate dated July 21, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  31. Very Upstat - Certificate dated July 29, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  32. Very Upstat - Certificate dated August 4, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  33. Very Upstat - Certificate dated August 11, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and John LaVoie, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  34. Very Upstat - Certificate dated August 25, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  35. Very Upstat - Certificate dated September 1, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  36. Very Upstat - Certificate dated September 8, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; no one signed for the Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  37. Very Upstat - Certificate dated September 15, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  38. Very Upstat - Certificate dated September 22, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and John LaVoie, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  39. Very Upstat - Certificate dated September 29, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  40. Very Upstat - Certificate dated November 3, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  41. Very Upstat - Certificate dated November 10, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  42. Very Upstat - Certificate dated November 17, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and John LaVoie, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Around this time, Bill was married to a lady named Sherry Brown, who was the Director of Promotion for ASHO.

  43. Very Upstat - Certificate dated November 24, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  44. Very Upstat - Certificate dated December 1, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  45. Very Upstat - Certificate dated December 8, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and John LaVoie, Keeper of Seals and Signature. I believe Lori Coanda did the cert calligraphy.

  46. Very Upstat - Certificate dated December 16, 1977
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature. I believe Lori Coanda did the cert calligraphy.

  47. Very Upstat - Certificate dated January 13, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  48. Very Upstat - Certificate dated January 19, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  49. Very Upstat - Certificate dated January 26, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  50. Very Upstat - Certificate dated February 2, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature. This cert is on blue paper since the organization didn't have any of its usual certificates at that time. In fact, the reverse side of the cert is actually a promotional piece for the 'I Want To Go Clear! Club'. Someone messed up on the ordering or printing of the promo piece; it was supposed to have been printed for ASHO, but it says 'AOLA' on it!

  51. Director of Disbursements Full Hat Course - Certificate dated February 9, 1978
    'Fully Hatted' is Hubbard's term; it means 'completely trained for a job position'. When a cult member completes a 'full hat' course, it means that he/she has studied all the policies, bulletins, tapes, manuals, and other required materials; in addition, the individual must demonstrate the ability to competently perform the duties of the post as required by the organization. And finally, as with all Scientology courses, the certificate is not issued until the individual passes an examination with a 100 percent grade. The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Dick Coanda, Supervisor; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and John LaVoie, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  52. PTS/SP Detection, Routing & Handling Course - Certificate dated February 9, 1978
    The signatures on the certificate are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Dan Rutherford, Supervisor; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature. The full name of this course is 'The Potential Trouble Source and Suppressive Person Detection, Routing and Handling Checksheet'. The issue that contains all the requirements for this course at the time I did it is Board Policy Letter of 31 May 1971RC Issue IV, Revised 12 August 1976. The checksheet states, 'This checksheet covers HCO PLs and HCOBs covering the detection and handling of SPs and PTSes. It is of great importance to all personnel in [the] HCO [Division], [the] Tech[nical Division], [the] Qual[ifications Division], Estos [Establishment Officers] and personnel on public lines.' I worked in Treasury at the time, so I was 'on public lines', meaning that I dealt with the public -- not just staff members. As such, this course was required indoctrination for me. The completion of this course was also a requirement for becoming a 'Fully Qualified and Trained Staff Member', for which I was to eventually receive a certificate for on February 1, 1979. I don't know why Dan Rutherford signed my certificate, since Bob Azevedo was my actual Course Supervisor. Interesting to me is the fact that William Broderick initialled my checksheet item on the page three requirement of demonstrating 'what a withhold is'. William Broderick was sent 'over the rainbow', meaning that he was sent to an undisclosed location in Scienoland. Years later I was to learn that he did covert operations against one of Scientology's enemies, an attorney named Michael Flynn. Also of interest is the fact that the checksheet for this course contains policy letters on the practice of disconnection and fair game. Yet Scientology claims that these don't exist. Yeah, right! If you believe that, then I have a coin which I'd like to sell you with the date 1000 B.C. printed on it.

  53. PTS/SP Detection and Handling Course - Certificate dated February 9, 1978
    This is simply a different certificate for the same course as listed immediately above. The signatures are: Marian Gibbons, Director of Validity; Dan Rutherford, Course Supervisor; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons. Kenneth Hall was, in reality, the ASHO Receptionist; and Diana Calisto, who signed as the Keeper of Seals and Signature, was only about 11 years old at that time!

  54. Very Upstat - Certificate dated February 9, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  55. Very Upstat - Certificate dated March 3, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Patrice Grant, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  56. Very Upstat - Certificate dated March 10, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  57. Very Upstat - Certificate dated March 17, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Patrice Grant, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  58. Objectives Auditing Completion - Certificate dated March 21, 1978
    Signatures on the certs are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Davis Kloss, Auditor; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  59. Self Analysis Lists Completion - Certificate dated April 3, 1978
    Signatures on the certs are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Davis Kloss, Auditor; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Self Analysis Lists are auditing actions based upon Hubbard's book Self Analysis.

  60. Very Upstat - Certificate dated April 7, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  61. Very Upstat - Certificate dated April 14, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  62. Very Upstat - Certificate dated April 20, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature.

  63. Very Upstat - Certificate dated May 5, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and Kathy Drayton, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Patty Grant, who at that time was the Director of Communications, later married Bob Azevedo.

  64. Staff Status 3 OEC Volume III - Certificate dated July 2, 1978
    Signatures on this certificate are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; M[arian] Gibbons, for Dan Rutherford, Course Supervisor; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of Seals and Signature. A staff member attains staff status three when he or she completes the course checksheet for Hubbard's Organization Executive Course Volume for the division in which he or she works. In my case, I studied and completed volume three, which covers the Treasury Division. This course has many, many materials in common with the Finance Course.

  65. Staff Status 3 Course - Certificate dated July 4, 1978
    This is actually the certificate I received first for doing the OEC Volume Three. The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Dan Rutherford, Supervisor; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and John LaVoie, Keeper of Seals and Signature. I requested the certificate listed immediately before this one because I wanted a larger, 'fancier' one.

  66. Very Upstat - Certificate dated July 6, 1978
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Bill Skrifvars, HCO Board of Review; and John LaVoie, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Bill Skrifvars was the HCO Cope Officer at the time, and John LaVoie was the LRH Communicator's Secretary.

  67. Student of the Week - Certificate dated July 7, 1978
    This certificate was given to 'upstat' students. As with the 'Very Upstat' certificates, awards like this were given in accordance with Aides Order 44-39R, an LRH program for ASHO Day. One of the targets on the Hubbard program was to pay a $10 bonus to staff on completion of a major (not a 'mini') course. The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Dan Rutherford, Supervisor; Bev Mustard, HCO Board of Review; no one signed for the Keeper of Seals and Signature. I don't know (nor care) why.

  68. Sweat Program Completion - Certificate dated July 25, 1978
    Signatures on the certificate are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Patty Grant, HCO Board of Review; and John LaVoie, Keeper of Seals and Signature. It says 'not applicable' on the line for the auditor since the Sweat Program was not an audited action. Before the Purification Rundown there was the 'Sweat Program'. The references on it are HCOB of 8 February 1978R Revised 18 March 1978 'LSD and the Sweat Program'; HCOB of 6 February 1978R-1 'LSD and the Sweat Program - Addition'; and HCOB of 30 April 1978 'The Sweat Program Further Data'. This program involved jogging or running in a rubberized nylon sweat suit in order to produce profuse sweating. In addition to the strenuous exercise, various substances were ingested daily, including Hubbard's 'drug bomb', salts, proteins, etc. This program was later replaced by his so-called 'Purification Rundown'.

  69. Director of Disbursements Fully Hatted - Certificate dated November 23, 1978
    Signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Jackie Mercer, Course Supervisor; David W. Layne, HCO Board of Review; and Tim Allen, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Jackie Mercer was also from Austin; she later married Max Harvey, a non-Sea Org Case Supervisor who was contracted to ASHO Day. David W. Layne was the HCO Area Secretary. Tim Allen is not the same guy as the famous 'Tool Time' man; Tim was the LRH Communicator for ASHO Day. He had earlier been a Course Administrator. You will note the seal at the lower left-hand corner of the cert. I had requested this nice, large certificate after completing my 'internship' for the Director of Disbursements post.

  70. The End of Endless Interiorization Repair Rundown Completion - Certificate dated January 26, 1979
    Signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Linda Jo Plunkett, Auditor; Craig Sargeant, HCO Board of Review; and Tim Allen, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Linda Jo Plunkett is now known as Linda Jo Struthers since her divorce from Dennis Plunkett. She is the grandmother of my first grandchild. Craig Sargeant was the Director of Inspections and Reports, i.e., the head of Department Three, and the Ethics Officer. This rundown is based upon HCOB 24 September 1978RA Issue I, Revised 21 February 1979 'Urgent - Important The End of Endless Interiorization Repair Rundown', and should not be confused with the 'Introspection Rundown'. I was put on the Interiorization Rundown because I had been having severe headaches as a result of being audited on Dianetics. Dianetics auditing didn't work for me! This rundown is supposed to have 'handled' that. And even though I was 'Clear' (unattested to) at the time, I was audited on this 'rundown'. According to HCOB of 24 September 1978RA Issue I, L/ Ron wrote: 'Note: The Int[eriorization] Rundown would NOT be run on a Dianetic Clear, Clear or OT as they are not to be run on Dianetics in any form.' Oh well, Scientology used me more than once for their soul-cracking experiments.

  71. Clear - Certificate dated January 27, 1979
    Signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Linda Jo Plunkett, Auditor; David W. Layne, HCO Board of Review; and Tim Allen, Keeper of Seals and Signature. As I mentioned above, Dianetics auditing did not work for me. What it did do was cause me to have severe headaches. One night, just prior to receiving my 'Clear' certificate, several fellow staff at ASHO went out partying with me. We all ingested large amounts of alcohol. So large, in fact, that some of us had to literally help Jackie Mercer, ASHO's Staff Section Officer, find her dorm because she was so very inebriated. I remember telling my friend Jeff Avrin, who was the Director of Clearing at ASHO, all about my 'case'. He wrote up some sort of report to the Case Supervisor. Apparently I had voiced the 'Clear cognition' while under the influence of Jim Beam Bourbon! Anyway, to make a long story short, I was asked by my auditor if I would like to attest to the 'State of Clear'. So I did. In fact, I attested to being a 'Natural Clear', which means that I am 'Clear', have always been 'Clear', and have never been anything but 'Clear'. At the same time I also attested to having attained other 'states', i.e., 'Cleared Theta Clear' and 'Born Again Thetan', although they don't give out certs for such nonsense. Thanks, Jim Beam, for sparing me from more Dianetic misery!!!

  72. Fully Qualified & Trained Staff Member - Certificate dated February 1, 1979
    Signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Jackie Mercer, Course Supervisor; David W. Layne, HCO Board of Review; and Tim Allen, Keeper of Seals and Signature. In order to become a 'Fully Trained and Qualified Staff Member', one must meet several requirements. To the best of my recollection, these are: the staff member must not be a 'Potential Trouble Source' ('PTS'); he must have completed the 'Student Hat'; he must be 'Post Purpose Cleared'; he must not be a 'Rock Slammer' nor have any unhandled 'Rock Slams'; he must be 'Clear' or above; he must be 'fully hatted' and 'interned' for his post, etc. 'FQTSM' is a statistic of the Qualifications Division Staff Section Officer. The actual size of this certificate is about 18 x 13 inches, and it is on parchment paper. This image is a scan of a reduced photocopy, as are the images of the other large certs.

  73. Financial Planning Mini Hat Course - Certificate dated May 5, 1979
    Signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Dan Rutherford, Supervisor; David Layne, HCO Board of Review; and Judy Brugger, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Judy Brugger was the LRH Communicator for ASHO Foundation. She blew the Sea Org, leaving her husband, Bill Brugger, behind! Although I had already studied every finance policy known to Scienos, I had to do this course in order to comply to some idiotic order from some long forgotten upper level management yahoo. I was ASHO Day's Financial Planning Chairman during this time period.

  74. Treasury Secretary Full Hat Course - Certificate dated September 6, 1979
    Signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Clyed Mitchell, Course Supervisor; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Judy Brugger, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Note that the words 'I guarantee I have trained this person to the best of my ability', which are intended to be a statement of the Course Supervisor, have been crossed out, and instead the words 'challenged exam' are written in above. I was so certain that I knew all the materials of the 'Treasury Secretary Full Hat Course' that I took the examination and passed it 100 percent on the first try, without ever having done the course. Clyed Mitchell was not in fact a course supervisor; she was the Director of Certifications and Awards for ASHO Foundation.

  75. Fully Hatted Treasury Secretary - Certificate dated September 6, 1979
    Signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Marian Gibbons, C[erts] and A[wards] for the Course Supervisor; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of Seals and Signature. As with the above certificate, the word 'challenged' may be seen written in before the words 'Course Supervisor'. The original of this certificate is about 18 x 13 inches, so this image is also a scan of a reduced photocopy of the original.

  76. Second Dynamic Alignment Course Completion - Certificate dated December 12, 1979
    Signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Dan Rutherford, Course Supervisor; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Maggie Butterworth, Keeper of Seals and Signature. By this time, Maggie Butterworth had become the LRH Communicator for ASHO Day. Her husband, David, had recently been transferred to ASHO Day from the Guardian Office.

  77. Purification Rundown Completion - Certificate dated January 22, 1980
    Signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Maggie Butterworth, Keeper of Seals and Signature. The space for 'Auditor' is blank since there was no 'auditor' for the 'Purif'. There is, however, a position known as the 'Purification Rundown In Charge' (or 'Purif I/C'), and that person was Mike Spearman; he also held the post of Medical Liaison Officer (MLO) for ASHO Day. I was one of the very first ever 'Purification Rundown' completions. The program was piloted in the Los Angeles (or 'PAC', for 'Pacific Area Command') area. After completion of the 'Purification Rundown pilot program' I redid the 'Purif R/D' all over again!!

  78. Minister of the Church - Certificate dated February 7, 1980
    Notice that the 'Church Council' did 'empower' me to 'practice Divine Healing'. I never knew who in the heck this so-called 'Church Council' was supposed to have consisted of! The certificate is signed by one 'Eric Cornum'. I never met the man; and for all I know, 'Eric Cornum' could be a fictitious name.

  79. Minister Card - Not dated, issued circa February 7, 1980
    The card is signed by 'Eric Cornum'. Marian Gibbons did the calligraphy. The card is quite worn since I used to carry it in my wallet. Several years ago I laminated it to prevent further wear. The back side of the card reveals that it was issued on scrap paper. Look here to view a scan of the back.

  80. L. Ron Hubbard Recognition - Certificate dated March 13, 1980
    Special recognition was given to me by L. Ron Hubbard for 'flourishing and prospering and for making outstanding contributions to the expansion of Dianetics and Scientology'. The certificate is dated March 13, 1980 and is signed 'L. Ron Hubbard'.

  81. Clear - Certificate dated May 17, 1980
    The signatures on this large (18 x 13 inch) certificate are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Diana Calisto, Keeper of Seals and Signature; and L. Ron Hubbard, Founder. I had requested a special 'Clear' certificate. Certs such as this one were printed by Karl Widmaier, an LA area Scientologist who also did some of the fancier, full-color promotional pieces for the orgs. The words 'State of Clear' were created by using a metallic blue foil embossing process. Most of the other (generic-type) certs were called 'all purpose certs' and were printed by Bob Mills' company, The Optimum Press, located at 2416 West Sixth St. in Los Angeles. Bob Mills was one of the many Scienos who helped me realize the OT levels were a joke. Thanks, Bob!

  82. Method One Word Clearing Completion - Certificate dated May 30, 1980
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Cathy Alessandrini, Auditor; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of Seals and Signature. Method One Word Clearing is done with by an E-meter in an 'auditing session'. Here's how Hubbard says it is to be done, according to his HCOB of 24 June 1971: 'A full assessment of many, many subjects is done. The auditor then takes each reading subject and clears the chain back to earlier words and or words in earlier subjects until he gets an F/N [floating needle].' In the Auditor Magazine, Issue No. 87, Hubbard claimed, 'The result of a properly done Method One word clearing is the recovery of one's education.' When one has received Method One word clearing, and he has word cleared Hubbard's study tapes and 'Student Hat' using 'Method Eight', the student is said to be 'Super-literate'. That's me -- according to Scientology.

  83. Very Upstat - Certificate dated September 11, 1980
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Craig Sargeant, Supervisor; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of Seals and Signature. It is odd that Craig Sargeant signed in the space for the Supervisor, since this is normally signed only when one completes a course. The nice calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons, a pretty red-haired girl who worked in the Qualifications Division at ASHO.

  84. Very Upstat - Certificate dated September 25, 1980
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons, an ASHO Day Qualifications Division (division five) staff member.

  85. Very Upstat - Certificate dated October 9, 1980
    The signatures are: Marian Gibbons, for the Director of Validity (Anne Pfanner); Kenneth W. Hall, HCO Board of Review; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons.

  86. Very Upstat - Certificate dated November 27, 1980
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and Diana [Calisto], Keeper of the Seals and Signature. Diana was the LRH Communicator's assistant, and she was only about 13 years old. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons.

  87. Very Upstat - Certificate dated February 5, 1981
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons. Note that the certificate says it is number 3. This is unusual since it is the only one of my 'very upstat' certs that is numbered.

  88. Very Upstat - Certificate dated February 19, 1981
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and no one signed as the Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons.

  89. Very Upstat - Certificate dated April 2, 1981
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons.

  90. Very Upstat - Certificate dated April 27, 1981
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons.

  91. Very Upstat - Certificate dated May 7, 1981
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons.

  92. Very Upstat - Certificate dated May 14, 1981
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons.

  93. Very Upstat - Certificate dated May 21, 1981
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature. The calligraphy was done by Marian Gibbons.

  94. 1981-82 LRH Birthday Game 1st Quarter Winner - ASHO Day Treasury Division - Certificate dated June 18, 1981
    During the 1981-1982 L. Ron Hubbard Birthday Game, I won first pace for having the 'most upstat' Treasury Division (ASHO Day Division 3) of all Scientology organizations in the world. It was quite an honor at the time, although on the night of the awards ceremony, I was unceremoniously passed over completely. While everyone else's name was announced so he or she could walk up on stage and receive their award, my name was never called. I later picked up my certificate from Melanie Herrick, the Continental Justice Chief over at her office in the Flag Operations Liaison Office for the Western US building. The certificate is dated 18 June 1981 and is signed 'L. Ron Hubbard'.

  95. Very Upstat - Certificate dated July 3, 1981
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature.

  96. Very Upstat - Certificate dated July 13, 1981
    The signatures are: Kenneth W. Hall, HCO; Anne Pfanner, Examiner; and Diana Calisto, Keeper of the Seals and Signature.

  97. Founding Staff Member Card - Issued September 1, 1981
    The card is signed by Patty Azevedo, who was the Hubbard Communications Office Area Secretary for ASHO Day. Patty wrote my name on the card. This card was part of a package I received which also contained my Founding Staff Member certificate and a photo of L. Ron Hubbard.

  98. Founding Staff Member - Certificate dated September 1, 1981
    This certificate is signed by Bill Franks, Executive Director International; and Patty Azevedo, HCO Secretary. Bill Franks is now a declared 'Suppressive Person' ('SP'). Note that the certificate was issued by the 'Church of Scientology of California'.

  99. My later Sea Org Contract (as per Flag Orders 2912RA and 232) signed on or about December 1, 1982
    The witnesses on this Sea Org contract were Kathy Plummer and Bill Brugger. Bill was the Commanding Officer ASHO Day at that time. I had just recently come back into the Sea Org at ASHO, and I was posted as the Chief Officer's Communicator. Bob Azevedo was the Chief Officer at that time.

  100. Fully Hatted Communicator - Certificate dated December 2, 1982
    The signatures are: Anne Pfanner, Director of Validity; Cathy Jordan, Course Supervisor; Jeff Patrick, HCO Board of Review; and Claire Graef, Keeper of Seals and Signature. I didn't hold this position for very long. By December 27th (only twenty five days later) I was transferred to the post of Address Officer and Computer I/C for ASHO Day.

  101. Sunshine Rundown - Invoice dated February 4, 1983
    On February 4, 1983 I did the Sunshine Rundown, though I never received a certificate for it. All I have is an invoice (number D197719) written by Mary Bievenouer. It was standard procedure to always prepare a 'no charge staff debit' invoice for services taken by Sea Org staff. Mary's handwriting was very illegible, probably due to having written rapidly during the many years when she used to be the Examiner for ASHO. You see, the Examiner has to write down 'originations' made by preclears after they come out of their 'auditing sessions', so it is often necessary to write rapidly. Here's what the invoice says: Name - Mark Plummer; Address - ASHO staff; Date - 4 Feb 83; Sun R/D $408.00; 'I agree to pay in full in event of staff contract breakage'. The 'N/C' means 'no charge'. The invoice is initialled 'MB'. Note that I signed the space for 'authorization of debit'. There is a finance policy which says the person being charged for a service or goods must sign invoices charging those services or goods to their account.

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