CONTAGION OF SUPPRESSION - was Re: SPTimes: $cienos' changing story
[06 Sep 1997]

Hubbard also said "The sudden and abrupt deletion of all individuals
occupying the lower bands of the tone scale from the social order
would result in an almost instant rise in the cultural tone..."

From: Warrior <>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: CONTAGION OF SUPPRESSION - was Re: SPTimes: $cienos' changing story
Date: 6 Sep 1997 12:26:59 -0700
Lines: 100
Message-ID: <5usaq3$>

In article <>, says...
>On 4 Sep 1997 20:03:09 -0700, Warrior <>,
><5unspd$> wrote :
>> What Scientology has on its hands in the McPherson case is a
>>public relations nightmare of the highest magnitude, and a legal
>>problem that will hound them for a long time. The cult has had
>>so many different people tout conflicting information in this case
>>I wonder who they think they are fooling...
>>PS The above is just my opinion.
>If this goes to trial there will be a judgment of $50 million
>dollars at least. Scientology took control of the care of
>Lisa McPherson and now they will be held responsible for it.
>Scientology must route out the SP's that screwed up the tech and
>failed Lisa McPherson and LRH's hardwork.

I would expect you are right about there being a judgement of
$50 million - at least. In Florida, there is no statutory limitation
on the amount of damages that can be awarded for pain and suffering,
the last I checked. Plus, with punitive damages and loss of wages, etc.
the award can run staggeringly high in this wrongful death. And it
well should.

Scientology did *not* exercise "good control" in the McPherson case.
But perhaps Scientology execs and personnel obtained the desired "EP"
of "deleting" Lisa McPherson from society. After all, Hubbard says to
do "dispose of them [lower-toned individuals] quietly and without
sorrow" in _Science of Survival_, book one, page 157.

On this same page, Hubbard also said "The sudden and abrupt deletion
of all individuals occupying the lower bands of the tone scale from the
social order would result in an almost instant rise in the cultural

Perhaps this is true for Scientology in a sick and perverted sort
of way. An argument could be made that when Scientology had Lisa in
isolation that they were in the tone band between -8.0 (hiding) and
-1.5 (controlling bodies). Now that the cult allowed Lisa to die, one
could say quite accurately that Scientology is in the tone band of
-.07 (accountable) to .98 (despair).

Lisa's emotional state during her isolation would be evaluated by Scientologists
to range from .1 (victim) to 1.5 (anger) according to
Hubbard's _SOS_ and the accompanying "Chart of Human Evaluation and
Dianetic Processing (part 1)". So Lisa was being cared for by individuals
who were *lower* on the tone scale than she was, if one applies Hubbard's
insane "tech"!

Whatever the case may be, certainly it is a fact that Scientology's
actions with regards to Lisa's "care" <spit> are demonstrative of
an organization that is *dying*. The cult is a "low-toned" and a
suppressive organization, led by a big-time SP, David Miscavige.

Hubbard wrote about "contagion of abberation" saying that when there
is "more entheta than theta, the theta is likely to become entheta".
(_SOS_, book one, pg 42). He also wrote in _SOS_, book two, page 25,
that one "...should fully inderstand the principle of contagion."

I submit that Scientology's top executive structure is corrupt, that
the cult's leaders are somewhere between "hiding" (-8.0) and "total
failure" (-40.0). Surely society will "put Scientology's 'ethics' in".
One of the ways this will be accomplished is by the wrongful death
suit against the cult. The cult is getting *its* "overts" pulled! Let
us not forget that it IS Scientology which needs to learn to operate
within the laws of the land. Scientology is a "third dynamic" group.
It is smaller than, and is a part of, the "fourth dynamic" (mankind) -
thankfully! It is Scientology that must learn to operate within the
laws of the land.

Your statement that Scientology will have to "route out the SPs that
screwed up the tech..." is an old tactic Scientology has been using
for a very long time. In fact, the "SPs" are at the *top* of the cult
organization. This included Hubbard. Now that he is gone, Miscavige
and his agents are the new SPs in charge. What you, and most other (all?)
Scientologists fail to see, Keith, is that Scientology is run by a bunch
of SUPPRESSIVES. The individuals under them administer Hubbard's insane
"tech". Isolating someone who is psychotic *is* Hubbard's tech! It *is*
the thing to do (isolation) for someone who is psychotic! And when a
tragic incident occurs, as it did when Lisa died, the "on-policy" thing
to do is to *cover it up*! Take a look at the "Ethics and Justice Codes"
of a Scientologist in OEC Vol One. The handling for a high crime or crime
within Scientology is to keep it "on lines" (within the organization).
It is a "suppressive act" to report such matters as a death to outside

Everyone under Miscavige, is severely "PTS" to this madman. Scienos
do as they are told, based upon the writings of a madman (Hubbard) and
in support of their cult and its new leader, David Miscavige. I call
it *CONTAGION of SUPPRESSION*. It is a result of Hubbard's "hard work".

Warrior - Sunshine disinfects