In *reality*, the listen-in devices were usually used ALSO as a method of monitoring the
conversation between the registrar and the prospect, so that if the registrar was having
trouble "closing the sale", another salesperson could "tag" or "double-team" and assist
in handling the person's objections.
In article <>, says...
>Scientologists concealing cameras while counseling
On a related note, L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology cult
ordered on July 5, 1974, in LRH ED 236 Int, entitled "Registration
Program No.2" that "listen-in devices" were to be installed in the
desks of "registrars" (salespeople). The devices consisted of concealed
microphones in the desks of the salespersons (registrars), with wires
leading to another office where the conversations could be monitored by
another staff member. Often this monitoring was done by another registrar,
the executive director, or the "cramming officer" (one whose duty it is
to see to "correction" of staff who make mistakes).
This LRH ED was revised on February 13, 1981, and issued as LRH ED
236R "Registration Program No.2R". The order from Hubbard to install
"listen-in devices" was not removed from the issue when it was revised.
In fact the order was re-issued as part of the revised issue.
On January 11, 1983, the original LRH ED 236 Int was fully restored
by another LRH ED, which is LRH ED 345 Int, entitled "LRH ED LINE USE".
These listen-in devices were installed for the stated purpose of
enabling "correction" of Scientology's salespersons who were engaged
in trying to hard-sell Scientology services to "prospects" (in Scientology
terminology, this is someone with money) who have shown an interest in
In *practice*, the listen-in devices were usually used ALSO as a
method of monitoring the conversation between the registrar and the
prospect, so that if the registrar was having trouble "closing the sale",
another salesperson could "tag" or "double-team" and assist in handling
the person's objections. The end result of this of course was to get the
"prospect" to pay MONEY to Scientology.
I wonder whether this violates local laws of various states. This
practice, as ordered by Hubbard in LRH ED 236 Int, with regards to
the installation and use of listen-in devices was in use *world-wide*
by Scientology since at least 1974.
I have witnessed many staff using the listen-in system for purposes
other than what was stated in the LRH ED.
With regards to taping "auditing sessions", this practice has
been in use in Scientology organizations across the world since
at least 1963. The cult center I worked for had video cameras
installed in various rooms which were used for "confessional
auditing", "sec checks", and other types of "counselling sessions".
Warrior - Sunshine disinfects
>The Tampa Tribune
>Tribune Staff Writer
> CLEARWATER -- Church of Scientology officials are installing
>concealed cameras and microphones in at least 69 counseling rooms where
>church members reveal their innermost thoughts, a church spokesman
> What transpires behind the closed doors of an auditing session --
>one-on-one counseling -- is as confidential as a confession from a
>parishioner to a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, said Scientology
>spokesman Richard Haworth.
> "It's subject to what's called the priest-penitent privilege,"
>Haworth said.
> Occasionally, be said, sessions are videotaped to be reviewed by a
>senior auditor. That review helps the auditor perfect his techniques.
>The person being audited must consent to being taped, he said.
> "It's quality control -- It's not an unusual thing." Haworth said.
> Clearwater's downtown Fort Harrison Hotel is home to the
>international spiritual headquarters of the Church of Scientology, a
>religion founded by the late science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard.
> None of the current auditing rooms on the first floor of the hotel
>is equipped for video or audio taping. A video recorder must be wheeled
>in, Haworth said, and that can be an obtrusive presence.
> That's why the video cameras -- two in each room -- will be hidden
>above the ceiling and the microphones will be placed in the molding
>along the walls of auditing rooms being fashioned from former
>hotel rooms on the fourth and firth floors, Haworth said.
> "Somebody sticks a microphone in front of you and you're mike-shy,"
>Haworth said. "The reason the rooms are being re-done is so they're a
>better physical environment for the counseling to take place."
> Blueprints on file with the city's building code division show
>detailed plans for an extensive electronic audio-visual system at the
>hotel and at the downtown Clearwater Building, also owned by the church.
> To people in the auditing room, the cameras concealed above the
>ceiling would appear to be a light fixture, city Building Code Analyst
>Kevin Garriott said as he examined the blueprints.
> In the Clearwater Building, one camera would be aimed at a chair;
>the other at both the auditor and person being audited from a profile
>position, blueprints show.
> The Fort Harrison blueprints show how the cables from all the
>auditing rooms on the fourth and fifth floors hook up to VCRs and
>television monitors on the third floor.
> Officials at the city's building department approved the plans be-
>cause they violate no city codes. "I have never heard of this before,
>other than in a bank or in a grocery store," said Clearwater
>Planning and Zoning Director Jim Polatty.
> Plans for the Clearwater Building, which the church also is
>remodeling, call for at least four "Look/Listen In System" auditing
>rooms on the second floor with hidden cameras and microphones
>mounted under desk tops.
> Videotaping people without their consent is legal in Florida,
>experts say. Banks and supermarkets use hidden cameras.
> Audiotaping someone without consent would violate state law, said
>David Audlin, chief assistant state-wide prosecutor in Tallahassee.
> Haworth said he didn't know if written consent forms are used, but
>people give at least verbal consent before being taped.